



Title: The human condition
Artist: René Magritte
Year: 1935
Location: Washington, National Gallery of Art.
Type: Oil on canvas

The human condition represent the inside of a room, the canvas on the stand represent a landscape that continue out from outline on the background of a window.
Only the white border of canvas on the right reveal the painting.
The big window on the top is framed from an arc, on either side there are two curtains and on the top we can see a little part of the decoration of the ceiling.
The colors are neutral, not very bright and the painting is very realistic.


René Magritte has been a surrealist artist. Like Salvador DalíMagritte represent irrealist pictures. The difference between Salvador Dalí, eccentric and rebel artist, has been  René Magritte has been more reserved and methodical. The picture that he represent look like simple combination of objects. From this visual combinations born the sense in the observator brain. This painiting "The human condition" places a typical doubt of the surrealism literature. Magritte represent the ambiguity of a situation between reality and fantastic. At the same mode the human perception is unclear , and ever conditioned from eventes, between dream and reality.


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